This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Fri Sep 19 14:20:01 2014.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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 Allows comparison of calibrated, semi-calibrated and raw EFI data
 thm_crib_efi_cal, date = date, probe = probe, datatype = datatype, $
                   trange = trange, /split_components
 None explicit
 No explicit output, a bunch of tplot variables are created for the
 given probe, date and datatype;for example, for probe='c' and
 datatype='eff', then varibles named: 'tha_eff_raw',
 'tha_eff_no_edc_offset', 'tha_eff_calfile_edc_offset', and
 'tha_eff_full' are created.
  Variable: tha_raw contains raw data
  Variable: tha_no_edc_offset contains data in physical units --
             with no EDC offsets subtracted from the spin-plane components E12 and E34.
  Variable: tha_calfile_edc_offset contains data in physical units -- 
             with EDC offsets obtained from the calibration file subtracted 
             from the spin-plane components E12 and E34.
  Variable: tha_full contains data in physical units -- 
             with spin-averaged EDC offsets from the spin-plane components E12 and E34.
 date = the date for the data needed, not used if trange is set. The
        default is '2010-01-01'
 probe = probe, one of 'a', 'b', 'c','d', 'e'. The default is 'a'.
 datatype = the tye of EFI field data to be used, 'eff', 'efp',
            'efw'. The default is 'eff'.
 trange = an input time range, will supercede the date keyword
 split_components = if set, then call split_vec on the outputs to
                    compare individual components
 20-sep-2010, jmm,
 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 11:14:02 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13081 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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procedure:  thm_crib_esa_bgnd_remove

purpose: Cleanup ESA background.

 This demonstrates the cleanup process for your event.
 Note you have to use the get routines I sent you that
 implement the bgnd_remove keyword. You simply replace the
 old ones with these ones in your thm idl directory.
 Crib provided by Vassilis

 .run thm_crib_esa_bgnd_remove

 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 10:56:58 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13080 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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Procedure: thm_crib_fac

Purpose:  A crib on showing how to transform into field aligned coordinates DSL coordinates


 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 10:56:58 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13080 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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pro thm_crib_make_AE

 This is an example crib sheet that will calculate and plot "pseudo" geomagnetic
 indices (thmAE, thmAU, thmAL) as derived from THEMIS ground magnetometer data.
 In future, it is planned to include ground magnetometer data from other magnetometer
 networks. Note that currently the calculation of these "pseudo" indices does not
 subtract quiet day variation but simply the median.

 Open this file in a text editor and then use copy and paste to copy
 selected lines into an idl window.

 Written by Andreas Keiling, 15 May 2008

   Changed name from thm_crib_AE to thm_crib_make_AE, added print info/stops,
     remove DEL_DATA,'*' command, W.M.Feuerstein, 6/2/2008.

 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 11:14:02 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13081 $
 $URL $

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 example for use of dead time corrections for on-board moments
 calculated from ground-based moments.

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Procedure: thm_crib_mva

Purpose:  A crib on showing how to transform into minimum variance
analysis coordinates


 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 10:56:58 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13080 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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 Name: thm_crib_neutral_sheet

 Purpose:crib to demonstrate use of the neutral sheet routines
      and means for generating plots.

 Notes: 1. run it by compiling in idl and then typing ".go"
        or copy and paste.  

 SEE ALSO: idl/external/IDL_GEOPACK/trace/

 $LastChangedBy: egrimes $
 $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-06 12:22:09 -0800 (Thu, 06 Feb 2014) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 14178 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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 *** WARNING: The software demostrated in this crib is still undergoing testing. ***

 NAME: thm_crib_part_combine
 PURPOSE:  Crib demonstrating basic usage of combined ESA/SST particle code. 

           You can run this crib by pressing F8 or typing:
           IDL>.compile thm_crib_part_combine
           When you reach a stop press F8 or type
           to continue
           Or you can copy and paste commands directly onto the command line


   If you see any useful examples missing from these cribs, please let us know.

$LastChangedBy: aaflores $
$LastChangedDate: 2014-07-02 14:57:59 -0700 (Wed, 02 Jul 2014) $
$LastChangedRevision: 15501 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

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 Purpose:  Crib sheet exampling production of 1D plots from
           2D particle velocity contours.

 Calling sequence for thm_part_slice1d:
   thm_part_slice1d, slice, [,xcut=xcut | ,ycut=ycut | ,vcut=vcut | ,ecut=ecut ]
                            [,angle=angle] [,/overplot] [,data=data] [,window=window]

   IDL graphics keywords may also be used in calls to thm_part_slice1d.
 See Also:

$LastChangedBy: aaflores $
$LastChangedDate: 2014-06-24 18:01:54 -0700 (Tue, 24 Jun 2014) $
$LastChangedRevision: 15430 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

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Purpose: A crib showing advanced usage of the 2D velocity slices code.
         Run "thm_ui_slice2d" on the IDL console to use for the GUI version.
         (Also part of the Analysis menu on the main THEMIS GUI) 

    Each point on the plot is given the value of the bin it instersects.
    This allows bin boundaries to be drawn at high resolutions.
  2D Interpolation:
    Datapoints within the specified theta or z-axis range are projected onto 
    the slice plane and linearly interpolated onto a regular 2D grid. 
  3D Interpolation:
    The entire 3-dimensional distribution is linearly interpolated onto a 
    regular 3D grid and a slice is extracted from the volume.

  The coordinate system in which the slice will be oriented.
  Options are 'DSL' (default), 'GSM', 'GSE' and the following magnetic
  field aligned coordinates (field parallel to z axis).
    'xgse':  The x axis is the projection of the GSE x-axis
    'ygsm':  The y axis is the projection of the GSM y-axis
    'zdsl':  The y axis is the projection of the DSL z-axis
    'RGeo':  The x is the projection of radial spacecraft position vector (GEI)
    'mRGeo':  The x axis is the projection of the negative radial spacecraft position vector (GEI)
    'phiGeo':  The y axis is the projection of the azimuthal spacecraft position vector (GEI), positive eastward
    'mphiGeo':  The y axis is the projection of the azimuthal spacecraft position vector (GEI), positive westward
    'phiSM':  The y axis is the projection of the azimuthal spacecraft position vector in Solar Magnetic coords
    'mphiSM':  The y axis is the projection of the negative azimuthal spacecraft position vector in Solar Magnetic coords

Slice Orientation
  The slice plane is oriented by using the following options to specify
  its x and y axes with respect to the coordinate system.
  ("BV," "BE", and "perp" will be invariant between coordinate systems).
    'BV':  The x axis is parallel to B field; the bulk velocity defines the x-y plane
    'BE':  The x axis is parallel to B field; the B x V(bulk) vector defines the x-y plane
    'xy':  (default) The x axis is along the coordinate's x axis and y is along the coordinate's y axis
    'xz':  The x axis is along the coordinate's x axis and y is along the coordinate's z axis
    'yz':  The x axis is along the coordinate's y axis and y is along the coordinate's z axis
    'xvel':  The x axis is along the coordinate's x axis; the x-y plane is defined by the bulk velocity 
    'perp':  The x axis is the bulk velocity projected onto the plane normal to the B field; y is B x V(bulk)
    'perp_xy':  The coordinate's x & y axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field
    'perp_xz':  The coordinate's x & z axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field
    'perp_yz':  The coordinate's y & z axes are projected onto the plane normal to the B field

Contamination removal: 

  Detailed information on keywords and usage can be found in the documentation for:        (main slices routine)   (slices plotting routine)     (particle data load routine)


$LastChangedBy: aaflores $
$LastChangedDate: 2013-12-18 15:17:19 -0800 (Wed, 18 Dec 2013) $
$LastChangedRevision: 13704 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $;

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 A Secondary Crib: Create Multiple Slices and Export:

(See projects/themis/examples/advanced/


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 Purpose: A crib showing plotting options for 2D particle slices.
         Run "thm_ui_slice2d" on the IDL console to use for the GUI version.
         (Also part of the Analysis menu on the main THEMIS GUI) 


$LastChangedBy: aaflores $
$LastChangedDate: 2013-12-18 15:17:19 -0800 (Wed, 18 Dec 2013) $
$LastChangedRevision: 13704 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

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 Name: thm_crib_read_write_ascii_cmdline

 Purpose:crib to demonstrate use of the read_ascii_cmdline and 
    the write_ascii_cmdline IDL procedures

 SEE ALSO: idl/ssl_general/misc/ 
           and in the lib subdirectory of the idl distribution

 To run type 'thm_crib_read_write_ascii_cmdline'

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Purpose:  A crib showing how to transform data into the RXY coordinate system. This
  coordinate system is a variant of GSM that has the GSM Z axis, but the XY-plane is 
  rotated so that the X-axis is on the Earth->Spacecraft line, and more positive values
  are further from the earth.


  Code heavily based on & by Christine Gabrielse(

 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 10:56:58 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13080 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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  Crib to demonstrate how to use Solar Lunar Planetary Data,
  And how to perform SSE transformation

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 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 10:56:58 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13080 $
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	Batch File: THM_SPINFIT

	Purpose:  Demonstration of finding spin fit parameters for spinning data.
   The FIT module calculates the E-Field and B-Field vectors by taking 32 points at equal angles
   and fitting a sine wave least squares fit to the data. The best fit of the data is defined by the
   formula: A + B*cos() + C*sin(). The module calculates the standard deviation of the fit
   called Sigma, and the number of points remaining in the curve called N.

	Calling Sequence:
	  Cut-and-paste the code to the command line.

   required parameters:
     var_name_in = tplot variable name containing data to fit

    sigma = If set, will cause program to output tplot variable with sigma for each period.
    npoints = If set, will cause program to output tplot variable with number of points in fit.
    spinaxis = If set, program will output a tplot variable storing the average over the spin axis dimension
             for each time period.
    median  = If spinaxis set, program will output a median of each period instead of the average.
    plane_dim = Tells program which dimension to treat as the plane. 0=x, 1=y, 2=z. Default 0.
    axis_dim = Tells program which dimension contains axis to average over. Default 0.  Will not
             create a tplot variable unless used with /spinaxis.
    min_points = Minimum number of points to fit.  Default = 5.
    alpha = A parameter for finding fits.  Points outside of sigma*(alpha + beta*i)
          will be thrown out.  Default 1.4.
    beta = A parameter for finding fits.  See above.  Default = 0.4
    phase_mask_starts = Time to start masking data.  Default = 0
    phase_mask_ends = Time to stop masking data.  Default = -1
    sun2sensor = Tells how much to rotate data to align with sun sensor.

	The module determines which data is more than xN * �N (sN = standard deviation) away from fit,
   and removes those points and repeats the fit. The second time the standard deviation is
   smaller so the tolerance is increased a bit. The tolerance xN varies with try as:
   Alpha*NBeta, where A=1.4 and Beta=0.4 provide good results. The operation continues
   until no points are outside the bounds and the process is considered convergent.

Written by Katherine Ramer
 $LastChangedBy: Katherine Ramer$
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-12-16 14:28:18 -0800 (Mon, 16 Dec 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13677 $
 $URL $

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Purpose:  A crib showing how to transform data from GSE to SSE coordinate system. 
   SSE is defined as:
        X: Moon->Sun Line projected into the ecliptic plane
        Y: Z x X
        Z: Ecliptic north


  Code heavily based on & by Christine Gabrielse(

 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 10:56:58 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13080 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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 Name: thm_crib_sst_load_calibrate

 Purpose:  Demonstrate usage of thm_sst_load_calibrate

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 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 11:14:02 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13081 $
 $URL $

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	Purpose:  Demonstrates the application of the routines
 		      superpo_interpol and superpo_histo

   Note:  The examples in this crib sheet call 'superpo_interpol'. Simply
          replace the calls with 'superpo_histo' to try the other routine.
          Both routines accept the same input parameters.

   Written by Andreas Keiling

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PROCEDURE: thm_crib_tplot_overlay

  ***** A copy and paste crib *****

  A crib showing how to overlay spectra on top of spectra.

  This crib shows how to combine full and burst mode spectra into one plot by
  overlaying the burst mode data on top of the full mode data.

  The DATAGAP keyword is very useful when you want to overlay burst mode
  spectra plots over full mode spectra. Set the DATAGAP keyword to a number
  of seconds that is less than the time gap of the burst data, but greater than
  the sample interval of the underlying full mode data.  This way the time gaps
  between the burst mode data won't be interpolated by SPECPLOT and cover up
  the full mode data between the burst mode data. 

CREATED BY:  Bryan Kerr

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 ********************************************************************** : with
This version stores these outputs as tplot variables with the
specified prefix
         These are follows:

         Wave power: On a linear scale, at this stage no units

         Degree of Polarisation:
		This is similar to a measure of coherency between the input
		signals, however unlike coherency it is invariant under
		coordinate transformation and can detect pure state waves
		which may exist in one channel only.100% indicates a pure
		state wave. Less than 70% indicates noise. For more
		information see J. C. Samson and J. V. Olson 'Some comments
		on the description of the polarization states
		of waves' Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc. (1980) v61 115-130

         Wavenormal Angle:
		the angle between the direction of minimum
		variance calculated from the complex off diagonal
		elements of the spectral matrix and the Z direction
		of the input
		ac field data. For magnetic field data in
		field aligned coordinates this is the
		wavenormal angle assuming a plane wave.

         Ellipticity:The ratio (minor axis)/(major axis) of the
		ellipse transcribed by the field variations of the
		components transverse to the Z direction. The sign
		indicates the direction of rotation of the field vector in
  		the plane. Negative signs refer to left-handed
		rotation about the Z direction. In the field
		aligned coordinate system these signs refer to
		plasma waves of left and right handed

         Helicity:Similar to Ellipticity except defined in terms of the
	direction of minimum variance instead of Z. Stricltly the Helicity
	is defined in terms of the wavenormal direction or k.
	However since from single point observations the
	sense of k cannot be determined,  helicity here is
	simply the ratio of the minor to major axis transverse to the
       minimum variance direction without sign.

Written by : Kaori(I'll remember to get her last name soon)

 $LastChangedBy: pcruce $
 $LastChangedDate: 2007-12-06 14:56:54 -0800 (Thu, 06 Dec 2007) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 2161 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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 Demonstrate the usage of the wave polarization routines.
  Shortened version of Olivier Le Contel's <> wave polarization

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 $LastChangedDate: 2013-09-19 11:14:02 -0700 (Thu, 19 Sep 2013) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 13081 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

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