;+ ; PROCEDURE: IUG_CRIB_GMAG_NIPR_INDUCTION ; A sample crib sheet that explains how to use the ; "iug_load_gmag_nipr_induction" procedure. You can run this crib sheet ; by copying & pasting each command below (except for stop and end) ; into the IDL command line. Or alternatively compile and run using ; the command: ; .run iug_crib_gmag_nipr_induction ; ; NOTE: See the rules of the road. ; For more information, see: ; http://scidbase.nipr.ac.jp/modules/metadata/index.php?content_id=103 ; & http://scidbase.nipr.ac.jp/modules/metadata/index.php?content_id=115 ; Written by: Y.-M. Tanaka, May 2, 2011 ; National Institute of Polar Research, Japan. ; ytanaka at nipr.ac.jp ;- ; Initialize thm_init ; Set the date and duration (in days) timespan, '2006-04-17' ; Load NIPR data iug_load_gmag_nipr_induction,site='syo' ; View the loaded data names tplot_names ; Plot the loaded data tplot, 'nipr_imag_syo_20hz' ; Stop print,'Enter ".c" to continue.' stop ; Split vector split_vec, 'nipr_imag_syo_20hz' ; Calculate power spectrum tdpwrspc, 'nipr_imag_syo_20hz_x', nboxpoints=8192 ; Plot tplot, 'nipr_imag_syo_20hz_x_dpwrspc' ; Set title ;tplot_options, 'title', 'Sample plot of NIPR magnetometer data' ; Plot ;tplot end