;+ ;PROCEDURE: tplot_file , name [,filename] ;PURPOSE: ; OBSOLETE PROCEDURE! Use "TPLOT_SAVE" and "TPLOT_RESTORE" instead. ; Store tplot data in a file. ; gets the data, limits and name handle associated with a name string ; This procedure is used by the tplot routines. ;INPUT: ; name (string, tplot handle) ; filename: file name ;KEYWORDS: ; SAVE: set to save files. ; RESTORE:set to restore files. ;SEE ALSO: "STORE_DATA", "GET_DATA", "TPLOT" ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;LAST MODIFICATION: tplot_file.pro 98/08/06 ; ;- pro tplot_file,handlenames,filenames,save=save,restore=restore, $ direc=dir,all=all @tplot_com.pro if keyword_set(save) then begin if keyword_set(all) then handlenames = (data_quants.name)(1:*) n = n_elements(handlenames) for i=0,n-1 do begin handlename = handlenames(i) data=0 limits=0 get_data,handlename,data=data,limit=limits,dlimit=dlimits if data_type(filenames) ne 7 then begin timestamp = strmid(time_string(min(data.x)),0,10) filename = handlename+'_'+timestamp+'.tplot' if keyword_set(dir) then filename = filepath(filename,root=dir) endif else filename = filenames(i) save,handlename,data,limits,dlimits,file=filename dprint, 'Saved ',handlename,' in file: ',filename endfor endif if keyword_set(restore) then begin if keyword_set(all) then filenames = findfile('*.tplot') if data_type(filenames) ne 7 then $ filenames = pickfile(path = dir,/must_exist,get_path=dir,filter='*.tplot') n = n_elements(filenames) for i=0,n-1 do begin handlename = '' data = 0 limits = 0 restore,filenames(i) store_data,handlename,data=data,limit=limits,dlimit=dlimits endfor endif end