;+ ;FUNCTION: ec_2d_new((dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) ;INPUT: ; dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. ;KEYWORDS ; ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ; ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration ; EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration ; 0,1=exclude,include, ; na = dat.nenergy ; ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ; ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration ; BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration ; 0,1=exclude,include, ; nb = dat.ntheta ; BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration ; 0,1=exclude,include ;PURPOSE: ; Returns the characteristic energy, Ec, eV ;NOTES: ; Function calls j_2d.pro and je_2d.pro ; Function normally called by "get_2dt.pro" to generate ; time series data for "tplot.pro". ; ;CREATED BY: ; J.McFadden 04-10-22 ;LAST MODIFICATION: ; 04-10-22 J.McFadden ;- function ec_2d_new,dat2,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins Ec = 0. if dat2.valid ne 1 then begin print,'Invalid Data' return, Ec endif flux = j_2d_new(dat2,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) eflux = je_2d_new(dat2,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) if (abs(flux) gt 1.) then Ec = abs(eflux/(flux*1.6e-12)) ; units are eV return, Ec end