pro time_substitute,destination,source,pos,next_position=p p=-1 if pos lt 0 then return if n_elements(source) eq 1 then strput,destination,source,pos $ else begin for i=0l,n_elements(destination)-1 do begin d=destination[i] strput,d,source[i],pos destination[i]=d endfor endelse p=pos+strlen(source[0]) end ;+ ;FUNCTION: time_string(TIME) ;NAME: ; time_string ;PURPOSE: ; Converts time to a date string. ;INPUTs: ; TIME input can be a scalar or array of any dimension of type: ; double(s) seconds since 1970 ; string(s) format: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss ; structure(s) format: given in "time_struct" ; float(s) ; longs(s) ; values outside normal range will be corrected. ;KEYWORDS: ; ; LOCAL_TIME ; if set then local time is displayed. ; ; TFORMAT: a format string such as: "YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss.ff DOW TDIFF" ; the following tokens are recognized: ; YYYY - 4 digit year ; yy - 2 digit year ; MM - 2 digit month ; DD - 2 digit date ; hh - 2 digit hour ; mm - 2 digit minute ; ss - 2 digit seconds ; .fff - fractional seconds ; MTH - 3 character month ; DOW - 3 character Day of week ; DOY - 3 character Day of Year ; TDIFF - 5 character, hours different from UTC (useful with LOCAL keyword) ; ; if TFORMAT is defined then the following keywords are ignored. ; ; FORMAT: specifies output format. ; FORMAT=0: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss ; FORMAT=1: YYYY Mon dd hhmm:ss ; FORMAT=2: YYYYMMDD_hhmmss ; FORMAT=3: YYYY MM dd hhmm:ss ; FORMAT=4: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss ; FORMAT=5: YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss ; FORMAT=6: YYYYMMDDhhmmss ; SQL: produces output format: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss" ; (quotes included) which convenient for building SQL queries. ; PRECISION: specifies precision ; -5: Year only ; -4: Year, month ; -3: Year, month, date ; -2: Year, month, date, hour ; -1: Year, month, date, hour, minute ; 0: Year, month, date, hour, minute, sec ; >0: fractional seconds ; AUTOPREC If set PREC will automatically be set based on the array of times ; DELTAT: (float) PREC set based on this precision. ; DATE_ONLY: Same as PREC = -3 ; MSEC: Same as PREC = 3 ; ;OUTPUT: ; string with the following format: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss (Unless ; modified by keywords.) ; ;See Also: "time_double" , "time_struct" or "time_ticks" ; ;NOTE: ; This routine works on vectors and is designed to be fast. ; Output will have the same dimensions as the input. ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson Oct 1996 ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-07 17:21:01 -0800 (Fri, 07 Feb 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14206 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh:// $ ;- function time_string,time0, $ format = format,precision=prec,epoch=epoch,date_only=date_only, $ tformat=tformat, $ local_time=local_time, $ is_local_time=is_local_time, $ msec = msec, sql=sql, autoprec=autoprec, deltat=dt,timezone=timezone,badstring=badstring ms=[' ','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] dow = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'] ;if not keyword_set(badstring) then badstring='NULL' if keyword_set(msec) then prec=3 if size(/type,time0) eq 0 then begin s= '' print,'Enter time(s) (YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss) blank line to quit:' read,s time0 = s while keyword_set(s) do begin read,s if keyword_set(s) then time0=[time0,s] endwhile endif if size(/type,time0) eq 4 and n_elements(prec) eq 0 then prec=-1 if size(/type,time0) ne 8 then time = time_struct(time0,epoch=epoch,timezone=timezone,local_time=local_time,is_local_time=is_local_time) $ else time = time0 ; Force input into a structure if keyword_set(tformat) then begin if size(/n_dimension,time0) eq 0 then res=tformat $ else res = make_array(value=tformat,dim=size(/dimension,time0)) pos = 0 repeat time_substitute,res, dow[time.dow], strpos(tformat,'DOW',pos), next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, ms[time.month], strpos(tformat,'MTH',pos), next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string(time.year ,format='(i4.4)'), strpos(tformat,'YYYY',pos),next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string(time.year mod 100 ,format='(i2.2)'), strpos(tformat,'yy',pos),next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string(time.month,format='(i2.2)'), strpos(tformat,'MM',pos) ,next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string( ,format='(i2.2)'), strpos(tformat,'DD',pos) ,next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string(time.hour, format='(i2.2)'), strpos(tformat,'hh',pos) ,next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string(time.min, format='(i2.2)'), strpos(tformat,'mm',pos) ,next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string(time.sec, format='(i2.2)'), strpos(tformat,'ss',pos) ,next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string(time.doy, format='(i3.3)'), strpos(tformat,'DOY',pos) ,next=pos until pos lt 0 repeat time_substitute,res, string(time.tdiff,format='("(",i+3.2,")")'),strpos(tformat,'TDIFF',pos) ,next=pos until pos lt 0 token='.' repeat begin token = token +'f' pos = strpos(tformat, token ) endrep until strpos(tformat,token+'f') lt 0 time_substitute,res,strmid(string(time.fsec,format='(f10.8)'),1,strlen(token)), pos return,res endif else begin if size(/n_dimen,time0) eq 0 then res='' $ else res = make_array(value='',dim=size(/dimension,time0)) if not keyword_set(format) then fmt = 0 else fmt = format if keyword_set(sql) then begin ; message,/info,'the SQL keyword is a STUPID keyword!' fmt = 4 prec = 3 end case fmt of 0: f = '(i4.4,"-",i2.2,"-",i2.2,"/",i2.2,":",i2.2,":",i2.2)' 1: f = '(i4.4," ",a," ",i2.2," ",i2.2,i2.2,":",i2.2)' 2: f = '(i4.4,i2.2,i2.2,"_",i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)' 3: f = '(i4.4," ",i2.2," ",i2.2," ",i2.2," ",i2.2," ",i2.2)' 4: f = '(i4.4,"-",i2.2,"-",i2.2," ",i2.2,":",i2.2,":",i2.2)' 5: f = '(i4.4,"/",i2.2,"/",i2.2," ",i2.2,":",i2.2,":",i2.2)' 6: f = '(i4.4,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2,i2.2)' endcase if keyword_set(autoprec) or keyword_set(dt) then begin if n_elements(time) ge 1 and keyword_set(autoprec) then begin td = time_double(time) td = td[sort(td)] dt = min(abs(td-shift(td,1))) endif if dt le 0 then dt=1 prec = -5 if dt lt 364*86400. then prec= -4 ;months if dt lt 60*86400. then prec= -3 ;days ; if dt lt 86400. then prec= -2 ;hours if dt lt 12* 3600. then prec= -1 ;min if dt lt 60. then prec= 0 ;sec if dt lt 1. then prec = floor(1-alog10(dt)) endif if keyword_set(date_only) then prec = -3 if keyword_set(prec) then begin posits = [[16,13,10,7,4],[16,14,11,8,4],[13,11,8,6,4],[16,13,10,7,4],[16,13,10,7,4],[16,13,10,7,4],[12,10,8,6,4]] if prec gt 0 then pos = prec else pos= -posits[-prec-1,fmt] endif if size(/type,time) eq 8 then begin ; input is a structure for i=0l,n_elements(time)-1 do begin t = time[i] case fmt of 0: s = string(form=f,t.year,t.month,,t.hour,t.min,t.sec) 1: s = string(form=f,t.year,ms[t.month],,t.hour,t.min,t.sec) else: s = string(form=f,t.year,t.month,,t.hour,t.min,t.sec) endcase if keyword_set(pos) then begin if pos gt 0 then s = s + strmid(string(t.fsec,format="(f16.14)"),1,pos+1) if pos lt 0 then s = strmid(s,0,-pos) endif res[i] = s endfor if keyword_set(sql) then begin res = '"' + res + '"' end if keyword_set(badstring) then begin notgood = where(finite(time.sod) eq 0) if (notgood[0] ne -1) then res[notgood] = badstring endif return,res endif endelse message,/info,'Improper time input' end